Aqua Fitness

  • IMG 1866
  • IMG 1889
  • IMG 1894
  • IMG 1929

Looking for a challenging cardio workout that’s low impact on the joints without the risk of busting a boiler or overheating?

That’s Aqua Fitness!

Classes are held in the pool so your body is supported and stays cool but the water provides a unique resistance factor to give you a great workout.

Aqua Fitness is suitable for all ages and fitness levels and is a great way to meet people.

Why not book in for our next class and give Aqua Fitness a try?


  • Monday, Wednesdays and Friday mornings: 7:15am - 8:15am
  • Monday,  Wednesdays and Fridays: 11:15am - 12:15pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday evenings: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Our Aquafit Classes Offer:

  • Qualified instructors
  • In-water exercise and movement for all levels
  • Heated and shaded pool year-round
  • Ramp access for water entry

Aqua Fitness Prices Are:

Sorry, this information will be updated shortly.

Enquire now

Kokoda Opening Hours

Oct - March

Mon to Thurs: 6am - 8pm
Fri: 6am - 6.30pm
Sat: 7am - 5pm
Sun: 8am - 4pm

April - May, Sept

Mon to Thurs: 6am - 7.30pm
Fri: 6am - 6.30pm
Sat: 7am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 4pm

June - Aug

Mon to Thurs: 6am - 7pm
Fri: 6am - 6.30pm
Sat: 7am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 4pm

Kokoda Memorial Pool

41 Wellington Street, Mundingburra
Townsville, QLD 4812
(07) 4725 5357
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Kokoda Memorial Pool


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